
Showing posts from March, 2018


INFORMATION ON SCIENCE RELATED MEDIA HOUSE OR ORGANIZATION The Science Media Centre is an organisation which formed in 2002, two years after the United Kingdom House of Lords Select Committee on Science and Technology's third report on "Science and Society" in 2000. not in citation givenThis report stated that while science was generally reported accurately in the mass media, there was a need for the promotion of more expert information at times when science is under attack in the headlines, mentioning the public reaction to GM crops, in particular.In order to promote more informed science in the media, the Centre's main function is as a service to journalists, providing background briefings on current scientific issues and facilitating interviews with scientists. Its director is Fiona Fox who is a former member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and a former contributor to its magazine Living Marxism. The SMC's stated aim is to "facilitate more scient


   PROTOCOL TO PARIS AGREEMENT It is Sunday in Paris, the day after the tumultuous conclusion of the 21st Conference of the Parties(COP21) of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). In many ways, it was not the conclusion of a two-week conference, nor even of the four-year Durban Process that emerged from the ashes of the disastrous 2009 Copenhagen COP. It was the first substantial step toward meeting the goals of the 1992 UNFCCC since Kyoto in 1997. It is easy to lay the failure of previous efforts on the structure of the agreements . In other words, Kyoto gets blamed for Kyoto. But the architecture of the Kyoto Protocol was identical to that of the Montreal Protocol, the successful environmental treaty that saved the ozone layer. The emergence of the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”—that industrialized countries should go first—was born in Montreal. The United States under George W. Bush managed to demonize the idea as unfair


  PLASTIC FREE WORLD The world's first plastic-free supermarket aisle was unveiled in Amsterdam today as pressure to curb the world's plastic binge and its devastating impact on the planet continues to grow.With nearly 700 plastic-free goods to select from at one of the branches of Ekoplaza, a Dutch supermarket chain, the aisle gives shoppers the opportunity to buy their groceries in "new compostable bio-materials as well as traditional materials" such as glass, metal and cardboard. Sian Sutherland, co-founder of the environmental campaign group A Plastic Planet, which advocates for a plastic-free aisle in every supermarket, says the aisle is "a symbol of what the future of food retailing will be" and hopes it has a knock-on effect. Sutherland says she recognizes that transitioning from plastic to other materials requires a monumental shift from big retailers, but that not acknowledging the need for change is no longer acceptable."We totally unders


TRUMP , MODI , PUTIN SHAPING THE WORLD FUTURE DONALD TRUMP :- After nine months of Donald Trump, let’s try a first-cut explication of his foreign policy. Where is he coming from What drives him   And where will be take country   The short answer is: He will make America small again. Where does Trump fit into the American tradition   He is not an isolationist like Washington, who would have “as little connection with other nations as possible.” Nor is Trump a doppelganger of John Quincy Adams, who would “not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”Nor is Trump an interventionist in the tradition of Theodore Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson. TR improved on the Monroe Doctrine by asserting America’s right to intervene anywhere in Latin America, and Wilson kept going into Mexico to “teach them to elect good men.” After World War II, U.S. interventionism went global. Harry S. Truman would support all “free people resisting…subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures.” Eisen


DEMOCRACY IN INDIA India is the largest democratic country in the world. Democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Democracy is considered the finest form of government in which every individual participates consciously and in which the people remain the sovereign power determining their destiny. So, in democracy the people are the ultimate source of power and its success and failure depend on their wisdom, consciousness and vigilance. It is not possible for all the people in a big country like India to participate in the government. This is why they are required to exercise their franchise and elect their representatives at regular intervals. These representatives from the parliament legislate and form responsible government. Such governments can be either unitary or federal. In India we have the federal form having both a government at the center responsible to the parliament and governments in the states elected and equally responsibl


DO WE NEED CENSORSHIP Censorship is the cuts and remakes of media mainly movies. Censorship is usually when ‘obscene’ scenes and actions have been removed from a piece of media. Censorship has been around for a long time, censorship is supposed to protect from the things which happen in media for example movies which contain horror, sex or violence.Censorship is said by the government to help us because it cuts out scenes which may mentally affect us for example a film about poverty and the working class which could trigger a revolution because our minds are not mentally strong able to take that it is just a film. We might even need censorship in some movies to protect young people from watching adult movies which could change them for a short or long term period.The areas of media I am going to look at are films, video, music, printed word and video games all these areas of media are widely available to many groups of people, this includes adults and children. Censorship has be


       DEFAMATION Defamation, calumny, vilification, or traducement is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false and must have been made to someone other than the person defamed. Some common law jurisdictions also distinguish between spoken defamation, called slander, and defamation in other media such as printed words or images, called libel.False light laws protect against statements which are not technically false, but which are misleading.In some civil law jurisdictions, defamation is treated as a crime rather than a civil wrong. The United Nations Human Rights Committee ruled in 2012 that the libel law of one country, the Philippines, was inconsistent with Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as urging that State parties to the Covenant should consider th


HISTORY FOR WHAT History the study of the past as it is described in written documents. Events occurring before written record are considered prehistory. It is an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection, organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. Scholars who write about history are called historians.History can also refer to the academic discipline which uses a narrative to examine and analyse a sequence of past events, and objectively determine the patterns of cause and effect that determine them. Historians sometimes debate the nature of history and its usefulness by discussing the study of the discipline as an end in itself and as a way of providing perspective on the problems of the present. Stories common to a particular culture, but not supported by external sources are usually classified as cultural heritage or legends, because they do not show the disinterested investigation required of


AURANGABAD TOWARD SMART CITY Aurangabad: - As part of the Aurangabad Smart City mission, a pilot project aimed at improving liveability in the city with focus on streets has been taken up by the Aurangabad Smart City Development Corporation.The objective of the project, which is in the form of a survey, is to implement a street project which can be replicated in other parts of the city in future.The purpose of this survey is to gather feedback and views on specific measures to enable transformation of the streets of Aurangabad as safe, attractive, and fulfilling public spaces, an official note reads.Special online platforms have been set up to enable citizens and other stakeholders to participate in the survey.The survey, which takes not more than 15 minutes, asks participants to choose among identified busy streets that they use often in Aurangabad. Participants have to answer further questions with respect to the street they have chosen below though there are options of filing a


THE AGRARIAN CRISIS IN INDIA Twenty first century India has emerged as a major economic power in the world, with thegrowth rate of the gross domestic product reaching impressive levels and the poverty ratiocoming down significantly. In the context of such a scenario, it is indeed very incongruous and difficult to believe that the Indian countryside where the large majority of its peoplereside is in the grip of a severe agrarian crisis. In the opinion of Prabhat Patnaik, this crisis inIndian agriculture is unparalleled since independence and reminiscent only of the agrarian crisis of pre-war and war days .According to Sahai, the most tragic face of India’s agrarian crisis is seen in the increasingnumber of farmer suicides, not just in the hotspot areas of Andhra Pradesh and Vidarbhabutin the allegedly prosperous agricultural zones of Punjab and Karnataka as well. Farmers’suicides are no longer limited to the drought and poverty stricken areas of the country. Farmers in

Imapact Of Loya Murder Case

Imapact Of Loya Murder Case The Supreme Court   today said it will continue to hear the plea in the judge Loya death case on February 5, Monday, after arguments remained inconclusive, reported news agency ANI.The SC had on January 22 transferred to itself two cases from the Bombay high court (HC) about the alleged suspicious death of CBI judge BH Loya.The SC then also asked other HCs not to entertain any PILs on the issue relating to Loya's death and posted the matter for hearing on February 2.As the Maharashtra government presented documents related to the Judge Loya death case, the SC said the issues raised in the current petitions are serious and "we must look into all documents with utmost seriousness." The apex court then asked all parties to file any and all documents relating to judge Loya's death.A PIL seeking a probe into the judge's death was filed before the Bombay HC on January 8 by the Bombay Lawyers' Association (BLA). On January 22, the


HUMAN EVOLUTION FROM MONKEY Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primates – in particular genus Homo – and leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, the great apes. This process involved the gradual development of traits such as human bipedalism and language.The study of human evolution involves many scientific disciplines, including physical anthropology, primatology, archaeology, paleontology, neurobiology, ethology, linguistics, evolutionary psychology, embryology and genetics. Genetic studies show that primates diverged from other mammals about 85 million years ago, in the Late Cretaceous period, and the earliest fossils appear in the Paleocene, around 55 million years ago.Within the Hominoidea (apes) superfamily, the Hominidae family diverged from the Hylobatidae (gibbon) family some 15 – 20 million years ago; African great a


EMERGENCY IN MALDIV AND EFFECT ON INDIA Maldives is located south of India's Lakshadweep Islands in the Indian Ocean. Both nations established diplomatic relations after the independence of Maldives from British rule in 1966. India was one of the first nations to recognize Maldives' independence. Since then, India and Maldives have developed close strategic, military, economic and cultural relations. India has supported Maldives' policy of keeping regional issues and struggles away from itself, and the latter has seen friendship with India as a source of aid as well as a counterbalance to Sri Lanka, which is in proximity to the island nation and its largest trading partner. Maldives is located south of India's Lakshadweep Islands in the Indian Ocean. Both nations established diplomatic relations after the independence of Maldives from British rule in 1966. India was one of the first nations to recognize Maldives' independence. Since then, India and Maldives h